Krakal Beach in Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta

This photo was taken on the Krakal beach in Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta , a very beautiful sight that we can enjoy this beach
READ MORE - Krakal Beach in Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta


Andong is of the traditional means of the transportation in Jogjakarta beside becak (pedicab), gerobak (cart), or bicycle. It is a four wheeled carriage pulled by one ore more horses and adorned with two antique bells at the right and left side. Wearing the special costume, the driver called Sais or Kusir can take you around the city exploring the aging buildings, splendid places of attraction or just looking for the souvenir. While the Andong is traveling, we can hear the rhythmical steps of the hors following the tone of Javanese livelihood, quietness and in peace.
READ MORE - Andong

Beringharjo Market in 1910

This picture shows the Beringharjo market situation in 1910 is so busy. Many people use bicycles to go there
READ MORE - Beringharjo Market in 1910

Malioboro Street in 1949

Malioboro Street in 1949
This picture illustrates the situation at Jalan Malioboro in 1949, when Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch
READ MORE - Malioboro Street in 1949

Wedhus Gembel from Mount Merapi

Wedhus Gembel from Merapi
This picture shows Gunung Merapi is being releases condensed smoke. Natty mount people around names it Wedhus Gembel. Wedhus Gembel in English is mean sheep. Why this hot smoke named Wedhus Gembel because its vision like fleece. This Wedhus Gembel very dangerous and often eats many soul victims. This photograph taken in May 2006.
READ MORE - Wedhus Gembel from Mount Merapi

Malioboro Street

Malioboro Street
Malioboro Street is the centre shopping area an the place where vendors sell various kinds of the local handicraft in the side-walk. That specific atmosphere more over with entertainment provided by artist and the street musicians really attract the tourist interest. Malioboro has never become quietness from the sunrise, when the street vendors competing with the shop owners offering their goods or the artist who persuade the visitors to be painted, until the night. In stead of selling all kinds of traditional handicraft as souvenirs the business. People said that someone has not visit to Jogjakarta completely if he has not explored the lifeness of Malioboro Street.
READ MORE - Malioboro Street

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