Andong Ikon Jogja Tourism Who Need Furnished

The existence of Andong / carts every day to meet the joints of the road in Yogyakarta will soon be disciplined. Of course, the idea of ​​the municipal government of Yogyakarta is necessary we welcome positive. The reason for the existence of Andong / gig as a cheap means of transportation for tourists is less comfortable because of the lack of cleanliness maintained. In fact, as an icon of tourism in Yogyakarta, which has tens of years, Andong / gig could become a place of tourism promotion comfortable and memorable for many people, especially tourists who were vacationing in Yogyakarta.

Andong Jogja
Control gig / carriage should be greeted positively many circles, particularly the tourism stakeholders in Yogyakarta because their presence is still needed today. Most importantly, as stated by the Mayor of Yogyakarta, Herry Zudianto gig / carriage should always maintain the cleanliness and comfort for passengers. More is more to foreign tourists visiting Yogyakarta.

Surely not only the gig / carriage that need to be disciplined. With the road conditions are relatively narrow and more crowded, other road users also must begin to organize themselves to be orderly. The pedestrians, two wheelers and four-wheel should be more aware that the atmosphere of the city of Yogyakarta, every day more and more crowded by the number of motor vehicles. So the opportunities for other transport services including horse cart / carts and rickshaws to get its own place.

We all hope, the arrangement for the means of transportation such as horse cart / rickshaw could perform better. In addition, the owners / drivers and rickshaw pullers / carriage tours also must have realized that the ability to communicate with visitors / tourists can give a positive value.
Hopefully passing horse cart / rickshaw in this town does not increase the chaotic, just the opposite of comfort and cleanliness became a great view for all of us

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